Botanical Bonds
portrait Camille Gressier portrait Camille Gressier

Botanical Bonds

Weronika Anna Rosa is a visual botanical artist who explores the relationship between plants and humans. Originally from Poland, she is currently based in Lisbon, Portugal. Growing up in a family of scientists and artists, Weronika was surrounded by fresh flowers and potted plants, which naturally became the central theme of her work. She uses gouache on Kraft paper and Japanese golden ink to bring her visions to life.

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Watarai Toru’s ikebana
portrait Camille Gressier portrait Camille Gressier

Watarai Toru’s ikebana

Watarai Toru, based in Kanagawa, Japan, has made a name for himself in the world of ikebana, the ancient Japanese art of flower arranging. Initially crafting bamboo vases, Toru’s interest soon shifted to the art of ikebana itself. In 2002, he enrolled in the renowned Ohara school in Tokyo, deepening his understanding of this traditional craft.

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