Stitching Stories

Join us as Elena Sburlino takes us on a journey to the heart of the Italian Alps, where she uncovers the centuries-old tradition of crafting floral footwear. In the village of Forni di Sopra, women have been creating these unique “Scarpes” for generations. Elena will guide us through the process of making these handmade masterpieces, from selecting recycled materials to the delicate art of floral embroidery inspired by the mountains.

Not only functional but aesthetically beautiful and made entirely by hand with recycled materials: the “Scarpès” represent the artisanal pride of Carnia.

To create it, we start with the soles, made up of layers of old pieces firmly joined together by an infinite number of points of twine. The black velvet uppers are cut from a paper pattern and embroidered as desired by choosing a bunch of mountain flowers. The sole and upper are then sewn together using thick twine and finishing the edges.   

The ability to transform recycled fabrics into footwear for oneself and for loved ones by making use of the technique has been and continues to be a source of pride and satisfaction for the artisan women of Forni di Sopra.
If in the past the aim was to guarantee footwear for family members, today the tradition is carried forward to confirm the identity value of this practice by winking at fashion with embellishments.   

In fact, it is in botanical embroidery that personalization emerges. Riot of edelweiss, carnations, primroses, rhododendrons, orchids, lilies of the valley and other mountain species embroidered with thread “perlè” and arranged in different shapes show off on the space at the tip of the dark shoes.
The note of vibrant colors contrasts immediately with the black of the velvet, the quality of the thread and the relief of the embroidery make the corollas of the flowers shine with every step.

The rendering of detail and the chromaticity of these embroideries confirms the meticulous knowledge of the artisans regarding the flowers of the surrounding mountains, meadows and rocks.  There is a lush variety of compositions, usually floral triads with hidden symbolic meanings. Patterns drawn freehand, mostly in the form of piles of pieces of crumpled tissue paper, with lines almost faded due to repeated tracing on the fabric.  

The emotional value is another precious gem that adds to the other qualities that the "Scarpès" possess: receiving a pair as a gift is synonymous with care and devotion.

Text & pictures - Elena Sburlino @elenazz




Alfie’s Floral Adventure